Amazin' Amazon Mystery Animals

Mystery Animal #12: Party Animal #1


 I'm the party crasher of the forest floor
I'm just looking for some fun
A bug-bash masher, going door to door
I'm party animal number one!
Sometimes I just slip into a gathering
Flashing my specialized snout
But usually I'm welcomed by only a smattering
For when it comes to fashion - I'm out!
But if I'm left out, I just smash my way in
Lashing about with my specialized paws
They're designed for slashing and digging
Equipped with gashing curved claws
And when I've successfully crashed the bash
I cash in on the fun for real
For that's when I start waving my sash
And slurping up my meal.
Slurp-slurp, yum-yum
I'm party animal number one!
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